Thursday, December 13, 2007

What a difference a day makes!

I'm feeling pretty darn good this evening because I just returned from an awards banquet at which  I  received my official Master Gardener certificate, AND I won the "Silver Trowel" award for my volunteer work this summer.  AND, more important, I trounced Nate in the pumpkin-growing contest earlier in the fall.  Yeah!!

Love you all... Em


Woodward Family said...

I have a silver trowel pin that someone gave me once...does that mean anything? (But I was not awarded it, someone just felt sorry for me....)I am in awe of what you did. After the initial meeting I realized I did not want to commit to the required hours. Way to go Emily! I want to be like you....Mom

Lizzy said...

Congratulations Emily. That is so great!!