Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Real Life of Emily


This blog idea might be trouble, as I expose my thoughts a little more than you are used to hearing!  Right now I'm having a self-imposed mommy time out.  Here's what's on my mind... 
I'm going crazy and I'm going to throw something if I have to try to decipher one more 2-year old demand, clean up one more juice or chocolate milk mess, make one more meal, change one more poopy diaper, hear one more whine, rescue one more child, help one more person, or have one more demand placed upon me.  All I really want to do is create something beautiful, but here is the list of demands and tasks that I SHOULD do (on top of the small item of caring for my children): 

do my visiting teaching
prepare my Gospel Doctrine lesson 
do the laundry 
clean the kitchen 
be fit 
be a member missionary
go to the temple 
read my scriptures 
write in my journal 
help kids with homework 
be an attentive wife
plan and prepare healthy meals for the family
get kids to lessons
get the grocery shopping done
serve others
volunteer at the school
organize my paperwork
pay bills
get a calendar done for the family blog
be merry and bright
Oh... and do Christmas shopping 

I'm certain that I've left a few items off the list, but you get the idea.  I finally understand why Mom believes that "should" is a swear word.  


Woodward Family said...

WHOA! Easy does it. What you need to add to the top of your need to do list is: Play SETTLERS!--Nate

Woodward Family said...

Well, I didn't see "calling your mother every 15 minutes to make sure she feels good about herself" on your list. do I have to get my own life?