Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The REAL date for family home evening....

Hi! We realize that our family home evenings are going to be held the SECOND Monday evening of the month ( at least that is what we are shooting for right now...subject to change of day and/or frequency). We will miss Anna and John who will be in St. George, but we are going ahead anyway with the 11th of Feb. I will prepare a simple main dish and all that goes with it, and assign out two desserts. the dinner will be quick and easy, a quick lesson for little ones, then down stairs for them while we have an adult lesson/discussion. We can have dessert than and go over family business items like vacations, house reservations, upcoming things, etc. Being a school night, we hope to start at 6:00 and be done with everything by 8:00-8:30. Remember - it only takes a few minutes to eat! Suggestions? someone mentioned doing birthdays on this night for anyone who has had one - and that would be fun too. Let us know what you think - this is for all of us- so input freely! You can bring p.j.'s for the kids and get them ready for bed here if your would like.
Talk soon? Maybe see you Sunday...Love all, Mom

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Let me know if I can bring a dessert!